புதன், 12 பிப்ரவரி, 2014

National Science Day is going to be celebrated in an outstanding manner on 27-28.02.2014 in Cuddalore Periyar Arts College

On the momentous occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of our college, National Science Day is going to be celebrated in an outstanding manner on 27-28.02.2014. It is planned to organize an Exhibition, a Quiz Programme, Debate, Oratorical (Speech) and Essay Writing Competition. All these events are to be conducted in a well organized manner before the said dates.

The participant list from each department has to be prepared and submitted on or before 27.02.2014.

schedule of the events is as follows:

1. Event: Quiz
Date: 27.02.2014
Time: 9.30 – 12.30P.M
Venue: Room No.22
Topic: General knowledge and Applied science

2. Event: (Oratorical) Speech
Date: 27.02.2014
Time: 2.00 – 4.30P.M
Venue: Room No.22
Topic: Eradication of poverty through science

3. Event: Essay writing

Date: 27.02.2014
Time: 10.30-11.30A.M
Venue: Room No.23
Topic: Green revolution and natural cultivation (or) Knowledge of science in Extension activities

4. Event: Debate
Date: 26.02.2014
Time: 10.00 – 12.00 Noon
Venue: New block
Topic: Is science a bane or a blessing for a peaceful society

5. Event: Exhibition

Date: 27 & 28.02.2014
Time: 10.00A.m to 4.00P.m
Venue: MLA Building
Topic: Fostering scientific temper


 *The main theme of the exhibition is to foster scientific temper among youth.
 *The science faculty has to exhibit 5-10 modules.
 *Working models, innovative poster presentations, concept based modules,
   demo modules and applied science should be based on fostering scientific temper.
   * Each Presentation will be exhibited by a team of students comprising 3 members.
   Three Prizes will be given for the best presentation by the Scrutinizing experts.

Quiz programme:

*Each Science Department is allowed a team consisting of two students.
*The subject of the quiz is based on General knowledge and Applied Science.
*The rules and regulations for the quiz programme will be intimated shortly.
*Pre-selection of candidate will be done on 24.02.2014 by respective departments.
*Only the selected team can enter the final round which will be held on 27.02.2014.

Essay Writing:

*The topic for the essay writing is Green revolution and Natural cultivation (Pasumai puratchiyum iyarkkai vivasayamum) or Knowledge of Science in Extension activities
*Two students from each Science Department are allowed to participate in the essay writing.

Oratorical competition (Speech):

*The topic for the Speech competition is Eradication of poverty through science.
*Two students from each Science Department are allowed to participate in the speech competition
*Pre-Selection will be conducted on 25.02.2014
*Only the selected students will be allowed for the final round which will be held on 27.02.2014.


Topic : Is science a bane or a blessing for a peaceful society
Participants : Team consists of one faculty member and two students

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